i’m so glad you’re here

The first thing I’d like you to know about me, is that I believe we all possess the innate capacity to heal. If you’re here + reading this, you’re already proving this to be true of you.

I’d also like you to know that my own lived experiences inform my work. I bring my full self into the therapeutic work— my challenging relationships with family + friends, my evolving faith, my experience living with endometriosis + chronic pain, my love of the outdoors + moving my body in nature, my own learning + unlearning of what it means to be my authentic self. Your path will of course be different than mine, but I am here to walk alongside you.


  • Willing + ready (maybe apprehensive) to process some things from your past

  • Unable to access, manage, or understand your emotions

  • Stuck in patterns or cycles that aren’t serving you or the relationships in your life

  • Disconnected from your sense of self + desiring more meaning + authenticity

the roots of resilience are found in

A sense of being understood by and existing in the mind and heart of a loving and attuned, self-possessed other.

Diana Fosha


Master of Counselling Psychology
from Adler University

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology + Human Services
from Trinity Western University

Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (#14558)


Working with Complex & Sexual Trauma: An AEDP Overview to Support & Enhance Interventions

AEDP Immersion: The Dyadic Repair of Attachment Trauma: Healing at the Edge of Transformational Experience

Internal Family Systems (IFS) for trauma, anxiety, + depression intensive course with Dr. Richard Schwartz + Dr. Frank Anderson

Lifespan Integration level 1 for trauma + PTSD

Gottman Relationship Method level 1 + 2

Prepare + Enrich Premarital Counselling: Building Stronger Marriages

my credentials

Therapy first + foremost is relational. I care a lot about making you feel comfortable, safe, and connected with me as we work together. I prioritize showing up authentically so you can feel free to do the same. My approach is also emotion-centred. Within you exists a whole host of feelings, sensations, and wisdom… However, most of us have not been taught how to access these inner resources. As a result, we find ourselves disconnected from our bodies, experiencing anxiety or depression, and coming up with other creative ways to avoid or defend against thoughts + emotions that perhaps feel intolerable. Much of our work together will be about slowing down to notice + experience emotions in a new + corrective way.


We all have experiences in life that can be considered 'unexpected.’ Often these difficult experiences leave us feeling ill-equipped to know how to handle them. I believe an essential part of healing is found in the ability to process these lived experiences in a safe and contained way, in order to better understand the ways our past may impact our present and our future.


This means that I’m curious about the relationships in your life. Relationships are usually the first place we learn about security and connection. The patterns we develop as a result of these relationships can shed light on how we navigate relationships (including the one we each have with ourselves) in the present day.


AEDP is a relational and experiential approach to therapy that begins and ends with the understanding that all of us have the innate capacity to heal. We each have within us the biological drive to flourish. It is this very reason which has brought you here to seek out therapy. However, it is often the case in life that this innate ability becomes stifled, especially when we undergo trauma. In AEDP, we work together to undo the sense of aloneness characteristic of traumatic experiences. It is when we are accompanied by a safe and attuned “other”, we can begin to explore with compassionate curiosity what has led us to feel stuck, and undo old patterns of being and relating in the world.


on a more personal note…

I think it should be mentioned that in addition to working as a therapist, I’m also a human being not unlike yourself. I’m a daughter, sister, wife, friend, and aunt. I’m a 9 on the Enneagram and an INTP on the Myers-Briggs.

I grew up in Ontario, came out west for university, and have called BC ‘home’ ever since. Mountains are one place I feel greatly at peace: they give me needed perspective, remind me of my physical + mental resiliency, and evoke a deep appreciation in me for the beauty of this world. When I’m not hiking or camping I’m probably experimenting in the kitchen, reading out on the back deck, or meeting up with a friend for coffee.

I have always had a deep curiosity towards people and a desire to discuss what is real— even if it’s painful or hard. I think this is what led me into the counselling profession in the first place. I believe in the power of counselling + I’m grateful everyday for the work I get to do as a therapist.


Book your free fifteen minute consultation.